City of Jacksonville


The Foster Grandparent Program
"Where Love Grows"

Photo of Foster Grandparent serving as mentor to special needs and at-risk children.For more than 40 years, the Foster Grandparent Program has been serving children with exceptional needs in our community.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you want to share your experience and compassion with children, you may have what it takes to become a Foster Grandparent.  Provided you have the time to give, are 55 years of age and over, and are in good physical and mental health, you may be eligible for the Foster Grandparent Program. For more information, contact us at 630-5450.


In 2018, 81 volunteers performed 77,256 hours of service to the community.  At market value (average $22.41 per hour), service is equivalent to more than $1.737 million annually.


Foster Grandparents are assigned to:

  • Head Start Programs
  • Day Care Centers
  • Public and Private Schools


Foster Grandparents receive the following benefits:

  • Tax free hourly stipend
  • Transportation reimbursement
  • Lunch allowance
  • Annual physical exam
  • Special training
  • Recognition events
  • Opportunities to socialize 


Foster Grandparents serve children who are physically and intellectually disabled, visual or hearing impaired, and emotionally or physically abused. They assist in the development of children's motor and learning skills, serve as mentors and tutors, and help to restore and reinforce a sense of community and family values.

Advisory Council

The Advisory Council makes recommendations and supports special activities such as the Annual Foster Grandparent Recognition Luncheon.


Foster Grandparent volunteers are reimbursed for personal travel to and from work assignments and monthly in-service trainings.

The Foster Grandparent Program is sponsored and funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service with matching funds from the City of Jacksonville - Parks, Recreation and Community Services Department, Senior Services Division and a Community Development Block Grant. 

Deborah Bell
Program Manager
Office: (904) 255-6660
Fax: (904) 630-0635

Foster Grandparent Program
Mary L. Singleton Senior Center
150 E. 1st St.
Jacksonville, FL 32206