Community Planning


Financial Incentive Programs

State of Florida

The State of Florida offers various incentives through the Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Economic Opportunity's Division of Strategic Business Development (formerly OTTED), and the Florida Department of Revenue, including the following:

  • Voluntary Cleanup Tax Credits (50% State tax credit for cleanup costs),
  • Cleanup Liability Protection,
  • Brownfield Area Loan Guarantee Program (up to five years of State loan guarantees),
  • Brownfield Redevelopment Bonus Refund (State tax refund for 10 or more jobs created), and
  • Sales and Use Tax Credit (tax credit on building materials).

Please contact the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Northeast District Office, at (904) 807-3251, for more information on State financial incentives for brownfields sites.

City of Jacksonville Office of Economic Development

The State of Florida's Community Redevelopment Area Program and Brownfields Program are two commonly used tools by the Office of Economic Development that encourage private investment in underutilized areas.

The City of Jacksonville was awarded an official Enterprise Zone (EZ) designation, effective July 1, 1995. Jacksonville's Enterprise Zone is a 20-square mile base area with three additional developable sites with property targeted for economic revitilization.  Businesses located within the Enterprise Zone and/or the additional developable site areas are eligible to take advantage of various financial incentives offered by the State of Florida.  The City of Jacksonville's Enterprise Zone is also the City's designated Brownfields Area. All parcels within the Brownfields Area as classified as "Potential Brownfields," regardless of actual contamination on the individual site.

Please contact the Office of Economic Development, at (904) 630-1858, for more information on local financial incentives for brownfields sites.